Warrant for September Election

June 2nd is the LAST day any registered voter can change their party affiliation BEFORE the State Primary Election on September 8, 2020.

Filing for STATE REPRESENTATIVE for the REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRATIC primaries or DELEGATE TO THE REPUBLICAN STATE CONVENTION will be June 3 through June 12, 2020. Anyone wishing to be a delegate to the Democratic State Convention must contact the Democratic State Committee at 603-225-6899.

Qualifications: Must be 18 years of age, a registered voter and domiciled in New Hampshire for at least 2 years immediately preceding the election for which I am a candidate. Must live in Town or ward that I am a candidate for.

Declarations of Candidacy - for any person filing as a Democratic or Republican party candidate for the State Primary Election. All candidates must file a Declaration of Candidacy, a Statement of Financial Interests (RSA 15-A) and pay the administrative assessment fee OR file the required number of primary petitions as indicated below. RSA 655:19-c.

State Representative, $2.00 or 5 primary petitions. Delegate to the Republican State Convention, no fees and no petitions.

STATE REPRESENTATIVE FORMS WITH FEE STATE REPRESENTATIVE FORMS WITH PETITIONS If you are unable to download and print these forms, please contact the Town Clerk's office and we can mail them to you. 603-753-9188.