Avitar Associates of New England Inspection Letters

Interior Inspection Letters for 2020 and 2021 are going out on July 21, 2021.  If you do not receive a letter, you are not on the list for data verification at this time.

The Town of Boscawen has contracted Avitar Associates of New England, Inc. to perform a data verification process.  Annually, properties are chosen and the data is verified for accuracy.  This process helps to maintain an accurate database and will help maintain fair and equitable assessments.  Please follow the directions in the letter.  Everything will be done by the homeowner online for the scheduling of the inspection.  Should you need assistance, please contact Kellee Jo Easler, at keasler@townofboscawen.org 753.9188 x2309 or Kearsten O’Brien kobrien@townofboscawen.org 753.9188 x2325.